Customer testimonials

Dr. Flemming Dahlke, Universität Hamburg, Germany (2024)

Dear Lisbet, thank you very much! We are using your microplate respirometry systems in student course at the moment and it's great fun! Have a nice winter weekend, Flemming

Dr. Jim Stoeckel, Auburn University, AL, USA (2023)

You are correct that this is a fantastic upgrade, and now that I have installed and learned how to use it, I can see the advantage of four PowerX4 strips for each 8 chamber system instead of the single strip we used for the previous software.........Also, just wanted to say again that the new AutoResp v3 software looks fantastic. My students and I are really looking forward to using it in upcoming experiments...... Regards, Jim

Dr. David Kerstetter, Nova Southeastern University, FL, USA (2023)

All of the equipment arrived today. Thank you for your company’s care with the packing! We appreciate all of you and your company’s help with this order.
Best regards, David

Dr. Mary Hagedorn, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, HI, USA (2022)

Hi Jannik, I wanted to thank you and your team for sending out the 24-well plate so quickly. The system is so nice and we were able to get great data on our control coral....Many thanks, Mary Hagedorn

Christopher Tatara, Research Fisheries Biologist, WA, USA (2022)

Dear Andreas, Thank you for your consistent and excellent technical support during the setup of our 8 channel respirometry system.  Everything is working now!  I am looking forward to the data we will be collecting using our Loligo equipment. Have a great weekend, Chris

Dr. Felipe Barreto, Oregon State University, USA (2022)

Hello, I have owned a Loligo microplate system for a few years and I really like it. Our projects are getting bigger, and I would like to purchase Add-on modules for the microplate system. Thanks for your help! Felipe

Lab Coordinator Seshnee Reddy, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, South Africa (2022)

Loligo Systems is very reliable, continually willing to assist with any needs/requirements and always diligently responds via email to requests for information on equipment, quotes and assistance on equipment operation.

Dr. Kelsey N. Lucas, University of Calgary, AB, Canada (2021)

As far as I'm aware, Loligo is the only manufacturer of animal respirometry gear. In addition, Loligo was extremely helpful with troubleshooting any issues with installation or operation throughout my postdoc work. There are tons of research papers from the last decade that all rely on Loligo gear, too, so using their system would ensure that we are consistent with the literature and easily able to compare/constrast our results with other studies, species, etc.

Christopher Tatara, Research Fisheries Biologist, WA, USA (2021)

Hello Jannik, I appreciate the level of biological consideration you put into my quote. I definitely want a signed sole source justification letter for this equipment. I have heard many great testimonials about Loligo products and your customer service. I am unaware of comparable systems, and a letter would definitely help with my procurement process....Best, Chris

Bonnie Myers, North Carolina State University, NC, USA (2021)

Dear Jannik, Thanks so much for the new plates. Also, I wanted to mention that the Loligo publication database is super cool and useful!! Been using it quite a bit. Looking forward to hopefully sharing any pubs that come out of my work soon.
Thanks, Bonnie

Dr. Jonathan A. W. Stecyk, University of Alaska Anchorage, AK, USA (2020)

Hi Jannik and Lisbet, I hope you are doing well and remain healthy in light of Covid-19. Can you please send me a quote for another Gas Mixing System? The one we purchase last year is working out very well, and I am applying for funds to purchase another one.
Thank you very much and regards, Jonathan

Dr. Markus Brinkmann, University of Saskatchewan, SK, Canada (2020

Hi Jannik, We just ran the first analyses with the new Lolitrack 5 – beautiful! I love the detailed export functions and intuitive operation!
Cheers and thanks,

Prof. Brian C. Small, University of Idaho, ID, USA (2020)

Hello Jannik, Your emails are always welcome. We have the swim tunnel fully operational now and have begun trials. My postdoc is very excited about the project, and I’m sure it will be used for many projects moving forward. Many thanks for helping us get going with respirometry. We really like your system. All the best, Brian

Dr. W. Wesley Dowd, Washington State University, WA, USA (2020)

We ran a lengthy trial that finished on the weekend, and I've seen enough to be convinced that the equipment provides quality data and will be useful for us.
Please send me the invoice as a PDF file (or something similar) and I will have our purchasing folks pay as soon as the bureaucratic wheels here permit.
Thank you again, I look forward to using this tool.

Dr. Gary A.B. Armstrong, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada (2020)

We are really enjoying the swim tunnel. We have genetic models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and as our adult zebrafish lose their motor neurons die they swim more poorly. the swim tunnel is a great way to tease out phenotype.
All the best,

Andy Turko, Guelph University, Ontario, Canada (2020)

Of course I'm happy to share our new paper, which greatly benefited from the use of Loligo respirometry gear.
All the best,

Prof. Lev Yampolsky, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, USA (2019)

Dear Jannik,
We are playing with the microplate system, it works beautifully. About doubles the resolution and triples multiplexing relative to the system I have used in the past.
Best regards,
Lev Yampolsky

Dr. Simone Baldanzi, Pontifical University of Chile, Las Cruces, Chile (2019)

Thank you so much.
I have been working with Loligo instruments and I find them reliable and well designed for the purpose of our kind of research. I will definitely buy from you.
Kind Regards,

Kevin M. Keeler, USGS, Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (2019)

Appreciate the customer service from @LoligoSystems who sent free replacement parts for our swim tunnel, 8 years after purchasing original system.

Prof. George Lauder, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (2019)

Hi Jannik,
Thanks so much for such a nice job on my small custom flow tank! It arrived safely and is in good shape. We'll start setting it up over the next week ...

Dr. Pavel Horký, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic (2018)

Dear Jannik,
I am really happy to inform you that the order was delivered today. Thank you very much for your help and understanding during processing of this administratively unusual and tough task. We are looking forward to test all the equipment soon.
Kind regards,

Dr. Hollie Putnam, University of Rhode Island, USA (2018)

Dear Jannik,
Thank you for all your assistance. The plate is performing very well for coral sperm and larvae. I will likely be looking to purchase a slightly larger version in the next 2 months and I will be in contact soon.
Best Wishes,

Dr. Petra Horká, Charles University, Czech Republic (2018)

Thank you very much for thorough support, which was unusually fast and effective. The order has been paid and I am waiting for delivery what I am really looking forward to :-) 
All the best,

Dr. Neil Mochnacz, Winnipeg, MB, Canada (2017)

Thanks for clarifying this Jannik. Your company and employees continue to offer excellent service and I appreciate it. 

Dr. Doug Mackie, Portobello Marine Laboratory, University of Otago, New Zealand (2017)

It is very good of you to help a student like this. He made a mistake in placing his order and we appreciate you helping us out.

Dr Candice Ann Owen, Rhodes University (2017)

Hi Lisbet,
Oh wow! That is so fantastic of you! I honestly cannot thank you enough! I have specimens sitting waiting to be run through the equipment and this has been getting very stressfull for me. It's so great to have received such fantastic customer service from you!
Regards, and thanks again!

Øystein N. Kielland, Einum Lab, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2017)

Thank you for all the help! It is always a pleasure to work with companies that are keenly interested in keeping good customer service, as well as developing good science.

Dr. Neil Mochnacz, Winnipeg, Canada (2016)

I really appreciate the wonderful service and products that your company provides.
Have a great day.

Dr. Casey Mueller, California State University San Marcos (2016)

Thank you for your quick response and excellent customer service!

Dr Eric Clark, Link Lab, Medical College of Wisconsin (2016)

Hey Erik,
OK, the calculations all look good, and when I measured with very pure water the background oxygen changes decreased a lot. That sort of sensitivity is really impressive! Thank you for all your help.

Dr. Stefano Cannicci, University of Hong Kong (2016)

Dear Jannik,
I received the Witrox and some students of mine are already using it. Thanks for the tip, it’s a really easy and powerful device.
Thanks for your kind help and Best Regards,

Dr. Rebecca Cramp, University of Queensland (2015)

Hi Lisbet,
Thank you so is always great to know that Loligo generally has what we need and can get it to us in double quick time!
Thanks again,

Dr. Rick Stoffels, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre (2015)

Hi Jannik,
Thanking you sincerely in the acknowledgements is the least I could do! Your patience with our numerous inquiries while setting up our lab was instrumental. The papers are now starting to appear and we couldn’t have done it without your help.

Dr. Jim Stoeckel, Auburn University, AL, USA (2015)

I have been conducting respirometry runs for a few weeks now and the system is great! It took a little while for me to figure out how to get everything set up, but now that I have it working it is very easy to train students how to use it.  Technical help has been great.

Dr. David Ellerby, Wellesley College, MA, USA (2015)

Hi Jannik
Just wanted to say thanks for the bluetooth dongle. The Witrox system works great. Think I'll go and throw my polarographic sensor off the roof.

Dr. Karen Chan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2015)

Dear Jannik,
We have been using the plate and love it and would like to get more. Would you please provide me with a quote on an extra 200 uL plate? Thank you very much.

Dr. Amanda Pettersen, Monash University, VIC, Australia (2014)

Dear Jannik,
My lab purchased 2x 200ul microplates from Loligo (through Britta) in February and so far we have been very impressed by their level of sensitivity and high throughput....
Best Regards,

Dr. William R. Brignon, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA (2014)

Hi Jannik,
Thank you for the response. Loligo has been great with tech support!  Cannot thank you all enough.

Dr. Jeff Shimeta, RMIT University, Australia (2014)

Hi Britta.
Thanks for all that advice. It's really helpful. By the way, I should say that my student and I found the system very well documented and easy to use. It is a great product. And we've received great service from you.

Dr. John T. Kelly, University of New Haven, CT, USA (2013)

I’ve been using the mini swimming respirometer and Witrox 1 unit in some pilot studies and couldn’t be happier.  It’s a real pleasure to use equipment that works properly, and a treat to get real-time DO data….I’m a big fan of your products.

Dr Sanjeeva Sudhakar Metikala, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (2013)

Hello Jannik,
I would like to thank you for replacing the valves and renovating the probe. I am really impressed by such a fast service from you.

Dr. Mery Martinez, Laurentian University, ON, Canada (2013)

Dear Jannik
Thank you very much for the quick response, Lauren told me about your diligence dealing with clients and it is much appreciated. 

Prof. Mathew E. Kimball, Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine & Coastal Sciences (2013)

Last year I purchased a 5L swim tunnel to conduct some swimming speed trials.  It has worked great and the quality of the swim tunnel is impressive.

Prof. Lloyd A. Trueblood, La Sierra University (2013)

Thanks for your help on this.  And it was good to see you at ASLO.  Its nice to get to meet the people who make your equipment's magic happen.

Dr. David Ellerby, Wellesley College, MA, USA (2013)

Hi Jannik
All is well here, and yes, the swim tunnel's still running smoothly. I think it might be indestructible! Thanks again.

Prof. Peter Euclide, Stockwell Lab, University of Vermont (2012)

Thanks for all of your help, I am very glad we went with getting a system from you guys, all things considered this seems like a very user-friendly system, just since we got such a large set up it is a bit overwhelming to set up at first.

CEO Dr. Stephen Hunt, Qubit Systems Inc. (2012)

Hello Jannik,
Thank you for your prompt attention to this, it shows a commitment to service that reflects one of the reasons for Loligo’s continuing success as you reach your first decade in business.
Kindest regards,

Dr. Erin Reardon, University of Exeter (2011)

Hi Loligoers,
After a very long wait and some time explaining the equipment, the university finally let me take our new kits to the lab. I’ve just spent the afternoon setting it all up. I just wanted to say that I’m really impressed with the new versions of the equipment and especially the software! The new options and format make a lot of sense and are very impressive. I’m very excited to get going on the experiments. Thanks so much for your help!
Best wishes,

Prof. James Kieffer, University of New Brunswick (2011)

We are using the respirometers like crazy; the teaching software is great and allows us to do “uninterrupted” measurements. I am always amazed at how consistent and accurate the electrodes are. The prices of those units are excellent! I hope to buy three more, for a suite of 6. Gotta love physiology. I may see you at SEB.

Prof. James Liao, University of Florida (2010)

Hi Erik and Jannik,
Thanks for your responses-- it's feedback like this that makes me glad that I went with your company!

Prof. Cory Suski, University of Illinois (2010)

Hi Jannik and Erik,
I just wanted to send you both a quick email to say that our first study using your respirometry equipment has officially been published. A copy of the reprint is attached.
Thanks so much for your patience and support throughout this process. I am very happy with the attached study, and the metabolic rate component of the work was crucial for the publication. These data would not have been possible without your support, and I appreciate all of your help.
Hopefully this will be the first of many more studies with this equipment, and I’ll be sure to pass along reprints as they appear in press.

Prof. Craig White, University of Queensland (2010)

Thanks Jannik,
Again I must say how much of a joy it is to deal with your company. I will certainly be back again!
Thank you for responding so quickly. I am always impressed when dealing with your company!
Hopefully you will receive a purchase order for the flume soon!
All the best,

Dr. Karin Kjernsmo, Åbo Akademi University (2010)

Dear Lisbet
Happy New Year to you, and many thanks for the fast shipping procedure and all help! It's gonna be really exciting to start using Danio Track in my experiments here at Åbo Akademi University. Also many thanks to your co-worker Jannik who has been great with answering all my questions before deciding which sofware to use!
Best regards

Dr. Ashley Ficke, Colorado State University (2009)

Hi Jannik,
I'm sorry I haven't emailed you sooner, but I've been doing fieldwork away from the fish lab. I wanted to let you know that both Model 90s are working wonderfully. I'm really enjoying them, but there are 100 flathead chub (Platygobio gracilis) in the 95-150 mm size range that probably don't share my enthusiasm! Thanks again for helping us figure out how to get the first one running and thanks also for the speedy shipping. It allowed me to start this tagging study on time.