P50 data on hybrid hemoglobin from high-altitude vertebrates interbreeding

Thu, Sept 19 2019

Dr. Jay Storz and Anthony Signore from University of Nebraska used our BOBS™ instrumentation to measure O2 affinity (P50) of hemoglobin from Tibetan wolves and mastiffs.

This new impressive research on Tibetan mastiffs gaining high-altitude adaptation by breeding with mountain wolves is highlighted on Live Science (https://www.livescience.com/tibetan-mastiff-wolf-genes.html).

Full article:

Adaptive Changes in Hemoglobin Function in High-Altitude Tibetan Canids Were Derived via Gene
Conversion and Introgression
Anthony V Signore, Ying-Zhong Yang, Quan-Yu Yang, Ga Qin, Hideaki Moriyama, Ri-Li Ge, Jay F Storz (2019)
Molecular Biology and Evolution

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