Implantable oxygen microsensor, min 3 pcs
(0-100 % oxygen)
Product #
Customs tariff #
Shipping weight
0.86 kg
Country of origin
261.00 (EUR)
- High spatial resolution
- High temporal resolution
- High flexibility
- Bare tip – no housing
- Sterilizable (autoclave (130 °C, 1.5 atm), EtOH, EtO, H2O2)
- Measuring range from 0 to 250 % air sat. (0-22.6 mg/L)
- Limit of detection 0.2 % air sat., 20 µmol/L
- Small outer dimensions
- No consumption of oxygen
- Signal independent of flow velocity
- No time for polarization necessary
- Insensitive towards electrical interferences and magnetic fields
- Measures oxygen in both liquids and gas phase
Micro oxygen sensors designed for all research applications were a small tip size and a fast response time (<3 sec) is necessary.
Implantable oxygen microsensors are miniaturized fiber-optic sensors that has no housing so you can mount/insert it through canulae, catheters, syringe needles etc. for in-vivo measurements in the blood circuit of living animals or liquid circuits of trees.
This is product data for the selected system:
Measurement range | 0 – 100 % O2 | 0 – 1000 hPa (0 – 45 mg/L | 0 – 1400 µmol/L) |
Limit of detection | 0.03 % oxygen | 15 ppb |
Resolution | ± 0.01 % O2 at 1 % O2 | ± 0.05 % O2 at 20.9 % O2 (± 0.005 mg/L at 0.4 mg/L | ± 0.025 mg/L at 9.06 mg/L) |
Accuracy | ± 0.05 % O2 or ± 3 % rel. |
Measurement temperature range | from 0 to + 50 °C |
Response time (t90) | < 3 sec. (gas) | < 10 sec. (liquid) |
Compatibility | Aqueous solutions, ethanol, methanol |
No cross-sensitivity | pH 1 – 14 | CO2, H2S, SO2 | Ionic species |
Cross-sensitivity | Organic solvents, such as acetone, toluene, chloroform or methylene chloride | Chlorine gas |
Sterilization procedure | Steam sterilization or ethylene oxide (EtO) (Recalibration recommended) |
Cleaning procedure | 3 % H2O2 | Ethanol | Soap solution |
Calibration | Two-point calibration with oxygen-free environment (nitrogen, sodium sulfite) and air-saturated environment |
Storage stability | 24 months provided the sensor material is stored in the dark at room temperature |
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