Published papers
Comparative study of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) accumulation in bold and shy Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Roy, Deepali Rahi; Gebauer, Tatyana; Cerny, Jan; Stejskal, Vlastimil; Roy, Koushik (2025)
Bioaccumulation and behavioral response patterns of crucian carp (Carassius carassius) after carbamazepine exposure and elimination
Liu, Wei; Li, Zhao; Li, Feilong; Zhang, Yuan; Ding, Sen (2024)
Science of The Total Environment
Double trouble: host behaviour influences and is influenced by co-infection with parasites
Gradito, Maryane; Dubois, Frédérique; Noble, Daniel WA; Binning, Sandra A (2024)
Animal Behaviour
Individual phenotypic variability in the behaviour of an aggregative riverine fish is structured along a reactive-proactive axis
Amat-Trigo, Fatima; Andreou, Demetra; Gillingham, Phillipa K; Britton, J Robert (2024)
PloS one
Habitat Enrichment Causes Changes in Fish Behavioural Characteristics: A Case Study of Sparus latus
Guo, Yu; Chen, Zhanlong; Qin, Chuanxin; Yu, Gang; Zhang, Jia (2024)
Effectiveness of mass marking of juvenile sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) with alizarin red S stain on field detection
Šindler, Martin; Buřič, Miloš; Plesch, Martin; Franta, Pavel; Drozd, Bořek (2024)
Fisheries Management and Ecology
Use of a shuttle box model to assess the behavioral and analgesic effects of opioid injections in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Noriega, Jacobo Romano; Levet, Marie; Binning, Sandra A; Vergneau-Grosset, Claire (2024)
American journal of veterinary research
Temperature-dependent exercise recovery is not associated with behavioral thermoregulation in a salmonid fish
Rowsey, Lauren E; Kieffer, James D; Speers-Roesch, Ben (2024)
Journal of Thermal Biology
Heat shocks during egg incubation led to developmental, morphological, and behavioral differences in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Lubin, François‐Raphaël; Réalis‐Doyelle, Emilie; Espinat, Laurent; Guillard, Jean; Raffard, Allan (2024)
Journal of Fish Biology
Behavioural responses to acute warming precede critical shifts in the cellular and physiological thermal stress responses in fish
Durhack, Travis C; Thorstensen, Matt J; Mackey, Theresa E; Aminot, Mélanie; Lawrence, Michael J; Audet, Céline; Enders, Eva C; Jeffries, Ken M (2024)
Microdosing ketamine in Drosophila does not block serotonin reuptake, but causes complex behavioral changes mediated by glutamate and serotonin receptors
Dunham, Kelly E; Khaled, Kani H; Weizman, Leah; Venton, B Jill (2024)
Journal of Neurochemistry
A new mechanistic insight into the association between environmental perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) exposure and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-like behavior
Zhang, Miao; Gu, Xueyan; Wu, Liu; Wan, Nannan; Liu, Yu; Xin, Zaijun; Chen, Tianbing; Liu, Shuai; Li, Mingqi; Deng, Mi (2023)
Sublethal effects induced by different plastic nano-sized particles in Daphnia magna at environmentally relevant concentrations
Masseroni, Andrea; Fossati, Marco; Ponti, Jessica; Schirinzi, Gabriella; Becchi, Alessandro; Saliu, Francesco; Soler, Valentina; Collini, Maddalena; Della Torre, Camilla; Villa, Sara (2024)
Environmental Pollution
Are bold-shy personalities of European perch (Perca fluviatilis) linked to stress tolerance and immunity? A scope of harnessing fish behavior in aquaculture
Gebauer, Tatyana; Gebauer, Radek; Císař, Petr; Černý, Jan; Roy, Deepali Rahi; Zare, Mahyar; Verleih, Marieke; Stejskal, Vlastimil; Rebl, Alexander (2023)
Fish & Shellfish Immunology
Silver carp experience metabolic and behavioral changes when exposed to water from the Chicago Area Waterway; implications for upstream movement
Schneider, Amy; Esbaugh, Andrew; Suski, Cory (2023)
Scientific reports
Unpredictability of maternal environment shapes offspring behaviour without affecting stress-induced cortisol in an annual vertebrate
Magierecka, Agnieszka; Cooper, Ben; Sloman, Katherine A; Metcalfe, Neil B (2023)
Hormones and Behavior
Avoidance behaviour and toxicological impact of sunscreens in the teleost Chelon auratus
Grimmelpont, Margot; Lefrançois, Christel; Panisset, Yannis; Jourdon, Guilhem; Receveur, Justine; Le Floch, Stéphane; Boudenne, Jean-Luc; Labille, Jérôme; Milinkovitch, Thomas (2023)
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Neurotoxicity and Oxidative Stress Development in Adult Atya lanipes Shrimp Exposed to Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
Cruz-Rosa, Stefani; Pérez-Reyes, Omar (2023)
Nutritional status affects Igf1 regulation of skeletal muscle myogenesis, myostatin, and myofibrillar protein degradation pathways in gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus)
Bersin, Theresa V; Cordova, Kasey L; Saenger, E Kate; Journey, Meredith L; Beckman, Brian R; Lema, Sean C (2023)
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (Igf1) signaling responses to food consumption after fasting in the Pacific rockfish Sebastes carnatus
Bersin, Theresa V; Mapes, Hayley M; Journey, Meredith L; Beckman, Brian R; Lema, Sean C (2023)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Use of the shuttle box system to determine the effects of hypoxia and food deprivation on the behavioral responses of the rock crab Cancer irroratus Say, 1817 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Cancridae)
Jiang, Qiwu; McGaw, Iain J (2023)
Journal of Crustacean Biology
Laboratory‐based measures of temperature preference and metabolic thermal sensitivity provide insight into the habitat utilisation of juvenile California horn shark (Heterodontus francisci) and leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
Skelton, Zachary R; Prinzing, Tanya S; Hastings, Philip A; Wegner, Nicholas C (2023)
Journal of Fish Biology
Behavioural responses of invasive (Gmelinoides fasciatus) and native (Gammarus lacustris) amphipods to predators on different bottom substrates
Teesalu, Paul; Ercoli, Fabio; Tuvikene, Arvo (2023)
Aquatic Ecology
Effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of microplastics on amphipods
Rani-Borges, Bárbara; Meitern, Richard; Teesalu, Paul; Raudna-Kristoffersen, Merilin; Kreitsberg, Randel; Heinlaan, Margit; Tuvikene, Arvo; Ivask, Angela (2022)
Geothermal stickleback populations prefer cool water despite multigenerational exposure to a warm environment
Pilakouta, Natalie; Killen, Shaun S; Kristjánsson, Bjarni K; Skúlason, Skúli; Lindström, Jan; Metcalfe, Neil B; Parsons, Kevin J (2023)
Ecology and Evolution
Translocation as an ultimate conservation measure for the long-term survival of a critically endangered freshwater mussel
Nakamura, Keiko; Guerrero-Campo, Joaquín; Ginés, Ester; Mesquita-Joanes, Francesc; Alcántara, Manuel; Sousa, Ronaldo (2022)
A salt on your senses: influences of rearing environment on salinity preference and sensing in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush
Kissinger, Benjamin C; Enders, Eva C; Anderson, Gary W (2022)
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Temperature and salinity preferences of endangered Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus, Actinopterygii, Osmeridae)
Hung, Tien-Chieh; Hammock, Bruce G; Sandford, Marade; Stillway, Marie; Park, Michael; Lindberg, Joan C; Teh, Swee J (2022)
Scientific Reports
P-glycoprotein inhibition affects ivermectin-induced behavioural alterations in fed and fasted zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Azevedo, Vinicius C; Kennedy, Christopher J (2022)
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
Increased parasite load is associated with reduced metabolic rates and escape responsiveness in pumpkinseed sunfish
Guitard, Joëlle J; Chrétien, Emmanuelle; De Bonville, Jérémy; Roche, Dominique G; Boisclair, Daniel; Binning, Sandra A (2022)
Journal of Experimental Biology
Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles as Emerging Aquatic Pollutants: An Evaluation of the Nanotoxicity in the Freshwater Shrimp Larvae Atya lanipes
Cruz-Rosa, Stefani; Pérez-Reyes, Omar (2023)
The interactive effects of exercise training and functional feeds on the cardiovascular performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at high temperatures
Papadopoulou, Anna; Pettinau, Luca; Seppänen, Eila; Sikanen, Asko; Anttila, Katja (2022)
Current Research in Physiology
Defatted black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) diets: Effects on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fillet quality, economic and environmental sustainability
Stejskal, Vlastimil; Tran, Hung Quang; Prokesová, Markéta; Zare, Mahyar; Gebauer, Tatyana; Policar, Tomas; Caimi, Christian; Gai, Francesco; Gasco, Laura (2023)
Animal Nutrition
Comparative study of stress responses, laterality and familiarity recognition between albino and pigmented fish
Slavík, Ondřej; Horký, Pavel; Valchářová, Tereza; Pfauserová, Nikola; Velíšek, Josef (2022)
Maturation and spawning performance of hormonally-induced precocious female barramundi (Lates calcarifer) and implications of their use in selective breeding
Guppy, Jarrod L; Marc, Adrien F; Jerry, Dean R (2022)
Irradiation with green light at night has great effects on the management of Conopomorpha sinensis and maintains favorable litchi fruit quality
Fang, Hsin-Hsiu; Lee, Wen-Li; Chiu, Kuo-Tung; Ma, Hsiu-Yen; Yang, Shu-Hui; Hung, Chien-Ya; Chen, Hsin-Liang; Tung, Chih-Wei; Tsai, Yu-Chang (2023)
Scientia Horticulturae
Comparative analysis of transcriptomic points-of-departure (tPODs) and apical responses in embryo-larval fathead minnows exposed to fluoxetine
Alcaraz, Alper James G; Baraniuk, Shaina; Mikulášek, Kamil; Park, Bradley; Lane, Taylor; Burbridge, Connor; Ewald, Jessica; Potěšil, David; Xia, Jianguo; Zdráhal, Zbyněk (2022)
Environmental Pollution
Charge-specific adverse effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on zebrafish (Danio rerio) development and behavior
Teng, Miaomiao; Zhao, Xiaoli; Wu, Fengchang; Wang, Chengju; Wang, Chen; White, Jason C; Zhao, Wentian; Zhou, Lingfeng; Yan, Sen; Tian, Sinuo (2022)
Environment International
Insights Into the Circadian Rhythm Alterations of the Novel PFOS Substitutes F-53B and OBS on Adult Zebrafish
Wang, Qiyu; Gu, Xueyan; Liu, Yu; Liu, Shuai; Lu, Wuting; Wu, Yongming; Lu, Huiqiang; Huang, Jing; Tu, Wenqing (2023)
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Toxicity impact of hydrogen peroxide on the fate of zebrafish and antibiotic resistant bacteria
Yoon, Hyojik; Kim, Hyun-Chul; Kim, Jongrack; You, Kwangtae; Cho, Yunchul; Kim, Sungpyo (2022)
Journal of Environmental Management
Copper exposure improves the upper thermal tolerance in a sex-specific manner, irrespective of fish thermal history
Mottola, Giovanna; Nikinmaa, Mikko; Anttila, Katja (2022)
Aquatic Toxicology
Leukocyte invasion of the brain after peripheral trauma in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Chen, Xiang-Ke; Kwan, Joseph Shiu-Kwong; Wong, Gordon Tin-Chun; Yi, Zhen-Ni; Ma, Alvin Chun-Hang; Chang, Raymond Chuen-Chung; (2022)
Experimental & Molecular Medicine
Social influence on anti-predatory behaviors of juvenile bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) are influenced by conspecific experience and shoal composition
Wilson, Jared C; Detmer, Thomas M; White, Dalon; Wahl, David H; (2021)
Asymmetric competition over space use and territory between native brown trout (Salmo trutta) and invasive brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Lovén Wallerius, Magnus; Moran, Vilhem; Závorka, Libor; Höjesjö, Johan; (2022)
Journal of Fish Biology
Are you ready for the heat? Phenotypic plasticity versus adaptation of heat tolerance in three‐spined stickleback
Mottola, Giovanna; López, María E; Vasemägi, Anti; Nikinmaa, Mikko; Anttila, Katja; (2022)
Responses of cyprinid (Ancherythroculter nigrocauda) to flow with a semi‐circular cylinder patch
Yang, Fan; Zeng, Yuhong; Huai, Wenxin; Zha, Wei; Wan, Yunjiao; (2022)
Journal of Fish Biology
Non-native silver carp fail to generalize behavior when exposed to odors from three North American predators
Wilson, Jared C; Detmer, Thomas M; White, Dalon; Wahl, David H; (2021)
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Tralopyril affects locomotor activity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) by impairing tail muscle tissue, the nervous system, and energy metabolism
Chen, Xiangguang; Zheng, Junyue; Teng, Miaomiao; Zhang, Jie; Qian, Le; Duan, Manman; Cheng, Yi; Zhao, Wentian; Wang, Zhao; Wang, Chengju; (2022)
Species interactions alter the selection of thermal environment in a coral reef fish
Nay, Tiffany J; Johansen, Jacob L; Rummer, Jodie L; Steffensen, John F; Hoey, Andrew S; (2021)
Behavioral Changes in a Coastal Marine Fish Lead to Increased Predation Risk Following Oil Exposure
Khursigara, Alexis J; Rowsey, Lauren E; Johansen, Jacob L; Esbaugh, Andrew J; (2021)
Environmental Science & Technology
Evaluating tank acclimation and trial length for dynamic shuttle box temperature preference assays in aquatic animals
Harman, Adam Alexander; Fuzzen, Meghan; Stoa, Lisa; Boreham, Douglas; Manzon, Richard; Somers, Christopher M; Wilson, Joanna Yvonne; (2021)
Journal of Experimental Biology
Zebrafish Model for Studying Dexamethasone-Induced Muscle Atrophy and Preventive Effect of Maca (Lepidium meyenii)
Ryu, Bomi; Je, Jun-Geon; Jeon, You-Jin; Yang, Hye-Won; (2021)
Habenula GPR139 is associated with fear learning in the zebrafish
Roy, Nisa; Ogawa, Satoshi; Maniam, Roshan; Parhar, Ishwar; (2021)
Scientific reports
Behavioral response of juvenile silver and bighead carp to conspecific and heterospecific alarm cues
Wilson, Jared C; White, Dalon P; Detmer, Thomas M; Wahl, David H; (2021)
Biological Invasions
Effects of temperature on physiological performance and behavioral thermoregulation in an invasive fish, the round goby
Christensen, Emil AF; Norin, Tommy; Tabak, Iren; van Deurs, Mikael; Behrens, Jane W; (2021)
Journal of Experimental Biology
The weakly electric fish, Apteronotus albifrons, actively avoids experimentally induced hypoxia
Mucha, Stefan; Chapman, Lauren J; Krahe, Rüdiger; (2021)
Journal of Comparative Physiology A
Temperature surpasses the effects of velocity and turbulence on swimming performance of two invasive non-native fish species
Muhawenimana, Valentine; Thomas, J Rhidian; Wilson, Catherine AME; Nefjodova, Jelena; Chapman, Amanda C; Williams, FC; Davies, DG; Griffiths, Sian W; Cable, Jo; (2021)
Royal Society Open Science
Localized EMT reprograms glial progenitors to promote spinal cord repair
Shaw, Dana Klatt; Saraswathy, Vishnu Muraleedharan; Zhou, Lili; McAdow, Anthony R; Burris, Brooke; Butka, Emily; Morris, Samantha A; Dietmann, Sabine; Mokalled, Mayssa H; (2021)
Developmental cell
Warming temperatures and ectoparasitic sea lice impair internal organs in juvenile Atlantic salmon
Medcalf, Kate E; Hutchings, Jeffrey A; Fast, Mark D; Kuparinen, Anna; Godwin, Sean C; (2021)
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Traces of tramadol in water impact behaviour in a native European fish
Santos, Maria Eugenia Sancho; Horký, Pavel; Grabicová, Kateřina; Hubená, Pavla; Slavík, Ondřej; Grabic, Roman; Douda, Karel; Randák, Tomáš; (2021)
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Habenula kisspeptin retrieves morphine impaired fear memory in zebrafish
Sivalingam, Mageswary; Ogawa, Satoshi; Parhar, Ishwar S; (2020)
Scientific reports
Increasing temperatures accentuate negative fitness consequences of a marine parasite
Godwin, Sean C; Fast, Mark D; Kuparinen, Anna; Medcalf, Kate E; Hutchings, Jeffrey A; (2020)
Scientific reports
Avoidance of cold-, cool-, and warm-water fishes to Zequanox® exposure
Barbour, MT; Luoma, JA; Severson, TJ; Wise, JK; Bennie, B; (2020)
Management of Biological Invasions
Environmentally relevant concentrations of boscalid exposure affects the neurobehavioral response of zebrafish by disrupting visual and nervous systems
Qian, Le; Qi, Suzhen; Wang, Zhao; Magnuson, Jason T; Volz, David C; Schlenk, Daniel; Jiang, Jiazhen; Wang, Chengju; (2020)
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Experimental copper exposure, but not heat stress, leads to elevated intraovarian thyroid hormone levels in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Suvi, Ruuskanen; Giovanna, Mottola; Katja, Anttila; (2020)
Phenotypic responses of invasive species to removals affect ecosystem functioning and restoration
Závorka, Libor; Lassus, Rémy; Britton, John Robert; Cucherousset, Julien; (2020)
Global Change Biology
The Transcriptomic Responses of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) to High Temperature Stress Alone, and in Combination with Moderate Hypoxia
Beemelmanns, Anne; Zanuzzo, Fábio Sabbadin; Xue, Xi; Sandrelli, Rebeccah M; Rise, Matthew L; Gamperl, Anthony Kurt; (2020)
BMC Genomics
Minor effects of dietary methylmercury on growth and reproduction of the sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus and toxicity to their offspring
Ye, Xiayan; Fisher, Nicholas S; (2020)
Environmental Pollution
Laboratory trials to evaluate carbon dioxide as a potential behavioral control method for invasive red swamp (Procambarus clarkii) and rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus)
Fredricks, Kim T; Tix, John A; Smerud, Justin R; Cupp, Aaron R; (2020)
Management of Biological Invasions
Exposure to low doses of inorganic arsenic induces transgenerational changes on behavioral and epigenetic markers in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Valles, Selma; Hernández-Sánchez, Jorge; Dipp, Víctor René; Huerta-González, Darién; Olivares-Bañuelos, Tatiana N; González-Fraga, Jose; Bardullas, Ulises; (2020)
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Forewarned is forearmed: Queensland fruit flies detect olfactory cues from predators and respond with predator-specific behaviour
Kempraj, Vivek; Park, Soo Jean; Taylor, Phillip W; (2020)
Scientific Reports
Habitat complexity influences selection of thermal environment in a common coral reef fish
Nay, Tiffany J; Johansen, Jacob L; Rummer, Jodie L; Steffensen, John F; Pratchett, Morgan S; Hoey, Andrew S; (2020)
Conservation Physiology
Presence of conspecifics reduces between-individual variation and increases avoidance of multiple stressors in bluegill
Tucker, Emily K; Suski, Cory D; (2019)
Animal Behaviour
Temperature preference of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) originating from the southern and northern parts of Norway
Mortensen, Atle; Johansen, Richard B; Hansen, Øyvind J; Puvanendran, Velmurugu; (2020)
Journal of Thermal Biology
Interaction of egg cortisol and offspring experience influences stress-related behaviour and physiology in lake sturgeon
Wassink, Lydia; Huerta, Belinda; Li, Weiming; Scribner, Kim; (2020)
Animal Behaviour
The impacts of increasing temperature and moderate hypoxia on the production characteristics, cardiac morphology and haematology of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Gamperl, Anthony K; Ajiboye, Olufemi O; Zanuzzo, Fábio S; Sandrelli, Rebbecah M; Ellen de Fátima, C Peroni; Beemelmanns, Anne; (2020)
Effects of food deprivation on plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (Igf1) and Igf binding protein (Igfbp) gene transcription in juvenile cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus)
Strobel, Jackson S; Hack, Nicole L; Label, Kevin T; Cordova, Kasey L; Bersin, Theresa V; Journey, Meredith L; Beckman, Brian R; Lema, Sean C; (2020)
General and comparative endocrinology
A zebrafish model of nondystrophic myotonia with sodium channelopathy
Nam, Tai-Seung; Zhang, Jun; Chandrasekaran, Gopalakrishnan; Jeong, In Young; Li, Wenting; Lee, So-Hyun; Kang, Kyung-Wook; Maeng, Jin-Soo; Kang, Hyuno; Shin, Hee-Young; (2020)
Neuroscience letters
Hypoxia but not shy-bold phenotype mediates thermal preferences in a threatened freshwater fish, Notropis percobromus
Eva C. Enders, Alexander J.Wall, Jon C. Svendsen (2019)
Journal of Thermal Biology
Behavioural changes during the parr–smolt transformation in coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch: is it better to be cool?
Elsner, Rick A; Shrimpton, J Mark; (2019)
Journal of fish biology
Temperature preference does not evolve in sticklebacks despite multigenerational exposure to elevated temperatures
Pilakouta, Natalie; Killen, Shaun S; Kristjánsson, Bjarni K; Skúlason, Skúli; Lindström, Jan; Metcalfe, Neil B; Parsons, Kevin J; (2019)
Further characterization of the zebrafish model of acrylamide acute neurotoxicity: gait abnormalities and oxidative stress
Faria, Melissa; Valls, Arnau; Prats, Eva; Bedrossiantz, Juliette; Orozco, Manuel; Porta, Josep M; Gómez-Oliván, Leobardo Manuel; Raldúa, Demetrio; (2019)
Scientific reports
Elevated CO2 affects anxiety but not a range of other behaviours in juvenile yellowtail kingfish
Jarrold, Michael D; Welch, Megan J; McMahon, Shannon J; McArley, Tristan; Allan, Bridie JM; Watson, Sue-Ann; Parsons, Darren M; Pether, Stephen MJ; Pope, Stephen; Nicol, Simon; (2019)
Marine Environmental Research
High-stress rearing temperature in Acipenser fulvescens affects physiology, behaviour and predation rates
Wassink, Lydia; Bussy, Ugo; Li, Weiming; Scribner, Kim; (2019)
Animal Behaviour
Myelin degeneration induced by mutant superoxide dismutase 1 accumulation promotes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Kim, Suhyun; Chung, Ah‐Young; Na, Ji E; Lee, Se J; Jeong, Sang H; Kim, Eunmi; Sun, Woong; Rhyu, Im J; Park, Hae‐Chul; (2019)
Food deprived largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) are inactive and stressed, but do not show changes in lure inspections
Keiling, Toniann D; Suski, Cory D; (2019)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Terrestrial emigration behaviour of two invasive crayfish species
Thomas, John Rhidian; Masefield, Stephanie; Hunt, Rhiannon; Wood, Matt J; Hart, Adam G; Hallam, Jane; Griffiths, Siân W; Cable, Jo; (2019)
Behavioural processes
Influence of nutritional status on carbon dioxide tolerance and avoidance behavior in a freshwater teleost
Suski, Cory D; Philipp, Madison A; Hasler, Caleb T; (2019)
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Automated monitoring of behaviour in zebrafish after invasive procedures
Deakin, Anthony G; Buckley, Jonathan; AlZu’bi, Hamzah S; Cossins, Andrew R; Spencer, Joseph W; Al’Nuaimy, Waleed; Young, Iain S; Thomson, Jack S; Sneddon, Lynne U; (2019)
Scientific reports
Impact of digital video analytics on accuracy of chemobehavioural phenotyping in aquatic toxicology
Henry, Jason; Rodriguez, Alvaro; Wlodkowic, Donald; (2019)
Metabolite tracking to elucidate the effects of environmental pollutants
Park, Minseung; Lee, Yeseung; Khan, Adnan; Aleta, Prince; Cho, Yunchul; Park, Hongkeun; Park, Youngja Hwang; Kim, Sungpyo; (2019)
Journal of hazardous materials
Effect of propiconazole on the lipid metabolism of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)
Teng, Miaomiao; Zhao, Feng; Zhou, Yimeng; Yan, Sen; Tian, Sinuo; Yan, Jin; Meng, Zhiyuan; Bi, Sheng; Wang, Chengju; (2019)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Welfare Challenges Influence the Complexity of Movement: Fractal Analysis of Behaviour in Zebrafish
Deakin, Anthony G; Spencer, Joseph W; Cossins, Andrew R; Young, Iain S; Sneddon, Lynne U; (2019)
Rapid changes in dispersal on a small spatial scale at the range edge of an expanding population
Courant, Julien; Secondi, Jean; Guillemet, Lucile; Vollette, Elise; Herrel, Anthony; (2019)
Evolutionary Ecology
Transcriptomic response to aquaculture intensification in Nile tilapia
Rodriguez‐Barreto, Deiene; Rey, Olivier; Uren‐Webster, Tamsyn M; Castaldo, Giovanni; Consuegra, Sonia; Garcia de Leaniz, Carlos; (2019)
Evolutionary Applications
Mitochondrial dysfunction-based cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity induced by pyraclostrobin in zebrafish larvae
Li, Hui; Zhao, Feng; Cao, Fangjie; Teng, Miaomiao; Yang, Yang; Qiu, Lihong; (2019)
Environmental Pollution
Dysregulation of circadian rhythm in zebrafish (Danio rerio) by thifluzamide: Involvement of positive and negative regulators
Yang, Yang; Dong, Fengshou; Liu, Xingang; Xu, Jun; Wu, Xiaohu; Zheng, Yongquan; (2019)
Effects of penthiopyrad on the development and behaviour of zebrafish in early-life stages
Qian, Le; Qi, Suzhen; Cao, Fangjie; Zhang, Jie; Li, Changping; Song, Min; Wang, Chengju; (2019)
Do Metabolic Traits, Vulnerability to Angling, or Capture Method Explain Boldness Variation in Eurasian Perch?
Väätäinen, Reetta; Huuskonen, Hannu; Hyvärinen, Pekka; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Kortet, Raine; Arnedo, Marina Torrellas; Vainikka, Anssi; (2018)
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
The impact of temperature on metal mixture stress: Sublethal effects on the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus
Van Ginneken, M; Blust, R; Bervoets, L; (2018)
Environmental Research
Combined effects of metal mixtures and predator stress on the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus
Van Ginneken, M; Blust, R; Bervoets, L; (2018)
Aquatic Toxicology
Neurobehavioral Alterations in Zebrafish Due to Long-Term Exposure to Low Doses of Inorganic Arsenic
Dipp, Víctor René; Valles, Selma; Ortiz-Kerbertt, Héctor; Suarez, Julio V; Bardullas, Ulises; (2018)
Energy allocation and behaviour in the growing broiler chicken
Tickle, Peter G; Hutchinson, John R; Codd, Jonathan R; (2018) (2018)
Scientific reports
Individual variation in the compromise between social group membership and exposure to preferred temperatures
Cooper, B; Adriaenssens, B; Killen, SS; (2018)
Proc. R. Soc. B
The Preference for Social Affiliation Renders Fish Willing to Accept Lower O2 Levels
Borowiec, Brittney G; O’Connor, Constance M; Goodick, Kelsey; Scott, Graham R; Balshine, Sigal; (2018)
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
Laboratory captivity can affect scores of metabolic rates and activity in wild brown trout
Závorka, L; Brijs, J; Wengström, N; Wallerius, ML; Näslund, J; Koeck, B; Aldvén, D; Lassus, R; Höjesjö, J; Johnsson, JI; (2018)
Journal of Zoology
Effects of a treated sewage effluent on behavioural traits in Diamesa cinerella and Daphnia magna
Villa, Sara; Di Nica, Valeria; Bellamoli, Francesco; Pescatore, Tanita; Ferrario, Claudia; Finizio, Antonio; Lencioni, Valeria; (2018)
Journal of Limnology
Nickel Toxicity in Wood Frog Tadpoles: Bioaccumulation and Sublethal Effects on Body Condition, Food Consumption, Activity, and Chemosensory Function
Klemish, Jaimie L; Bogart, Sarah J; Luek, Andreas; Lannoo, Michael J; Pyle, Greg G; (2018)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Linking sub-individual and supra-individual effects in Daphnia magna exposed to sub-lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos
Ferrario, Claudia; Parolini, Marco; De Felice, Beatrice; Villa, Sara; Finizio, Antonio; (2018)
Environmental Pollution
Does a ghrelin stimulus during zebrafish embryonic stage modulate its performance on the long-term?
Navarro-Guillen, Carmen; Dias, Jorge; Rocha, Filipa; Castanheira, M Filipa; Martins, Catarina IM; Laizé, Vincent; Gavaia, Paulo J; Engrola, Sofia; (2018)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Behavioral responses and starvation survival of Daphnia magna exposed to fluoxetine and propranolol
Nielsen, Majken Elley; Roslev, Peter; (2018)
Glucocorticoid and behavioral variation in relation to carbon dioxide avoidance across two experiments in freshwater teleost fishes
Tucker, Emily K; Suski, Cory D; Philipp, Madison A; Jeffrey, Jennifer D; Hasler, Caleb T; (2018)
Biological Invasions
Temperature dependent effects of carbon dioxide on avoidance behaviors in bigheaded carps
Tix, John A; Cupp, Aaron R; Smerud, Justin R; Erickson, Richard A; Fredricks, Kim T; Amberg, Jon J; Suski, Cory D; (2018)
Biological Invasions
Fish behavior in elevated CO 2: implications for a movement barrier in flowing water
Schneider, Eric VC; Hasler, Caleb T; Suski, Cory D; (2018)
Biological Invasions
Lack of postexposure analgesic efficacy of low concentrations of eugenol in zebrafish
Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Parodi, Thaylise V; Stevens, E Don; (2017)
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
Neurocalcin Delta Suppression Protects against Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Humans and across Species by Restoring Impaired Endocytosis.
M Riessland et al (2017)
The American Journal of Human Genetics
Dimethyl Sulfide is a Chemical Attractant for Reef Fish Larvae
Foretich, Matthew A; Paris, Claire B; Grosell, Martin; Stieglitz, John D; Benetti, Daniel D; (2017)
Scientific Reports
A Millifluidic System for Analysis of Daphnia magna Locomotory Responses to Water-born Toxicants
Huang, Yushi; Campana, Olivia; Wlodkowic, Donald; (2017)
Scientific Reports
Effects of oil sands process-affected water on the respiratory and circulatory system of Daphnia magna Straus, 1820
Lari, Ebrahim; Mohaddes, Effat; Pyle, Greg G; (2017)
Science of The Total Environment
Impact of stress, fear and anxiety on the nociceptive responses of larval zebrafish
Lopez-Luna, Javier; Al-Jubouri, Qussay; Al-Nuaimy, Waleed; Sneddon, Lynne U; (2017)
Using dissolved carbon dioxide to alter the behavior of invasive round goby
Cupp, Aaron R; Tix, John A; Smerud, Justin R; Erickson, Richard A; Fredricks, Kim T; Amberg, Jon J; Suski, Cory D; Wakeman, Robert; (2017)
Management of Biological Invasions
Quantitative Analysis of Aedes albopictus Movement Behavior Following Sublethal Exposure To Prallethrin
Dye-Braumuller, Kyndall C; Haynes, Kenneth F; Brown, Grayson C; (2017)
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
Elevated carbon dioxide has limited acute effects on Lepomis macrochirus behaviour.
JA Tix, CT Hasler, C Sullivan, JD Jeffrey & CD Suski (2017)
Journal of Fish Biology
Reduction in activity by noxious chemical stimulation is ameliorated by immersion in analgesic drugs in zebrafish
Lopez-Luna, Javier; Al-Jubouri, Qussay; Al-Nuaimy, Waleed; Sneddon, Lynne U; (2017)
Journal of Experimental Biology
Co-existence with non-native brook trout breaks down the integration of phenotypic traits in brown trout parr.
L Závorka, B Koeck, J Cucherousset, J Brijs, J Näslund, D Aldvén, J Höjesjö, IA Fleming & JI Johnsson (2017)
Functional Ecology
Permethrin alters glucose metabolism in conjunction with high fat diet by potentiating insulin resistance and decreases voluntary activities in female C57BL/6J mice
Xiao, Xiao; Kim, Yoo; Kim, Daeyoung; Yoon, Kyong Sup; Clark, John M; Park, Yeonhwa; (2017)
Food and Chemical Toxicology
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) detection, avoidance, and chemosensory effects of oil sands process-affected water
Lari, Ebrahim; Pyle, Greg G; (2017)
Environmental Pollution
Benzoylecgonine exposure induced oxidative stress and altered swimming behavior and reproduction in Daphnia magna
Parolini, Marco; De Felice, Beatrice; Ferrario, Claudia; Salgueiro-González, Noelia; Castiglioni, Sara; Finizio, Antonio; Tremolada, Paolo; (2017)
Environmental Pollution
Advances in methods for estimating stopover duration for migratory species using capture‐recapture data
Guérin, S; Picard, D; Choquet, R; Besnard, A; (2017)
Ecological Applications
Clown knifefish (Chitala ornata) oxygen uptake and its partitioning in present and future temperature environments
Tuong, Dang Diem; Ngoc, Tran Bao; Huynh, Vo Thi Nhu; Phuong, Nguyen Thanh; Hai, Tran Ngoc; Wang, Tobias; Bayley, Mark; (2017)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Hot or not? Comparative behavioral thermoregulation, critical temperature regimes, and thermal tolerances of the invasive lionfish Pterois sp. versus native western North Atlantic reef fishes
Barker, BD; Horodysky, AZ; Kerstetter, DW; (2017)
Biological Invasions
Elevated carbon dioxide has the potential to impact alarm cue responses in some freshwater fishes
Tix, John A; Hasler, Caleb T; Sullivan, Cody; Jeffrey, Jennifer D; Suski, Cory D; (2017)
Aquatic Ecology
Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon: Applications for breeding programs
Foote, AR; Stratford, CN; Coman, GJ; (2017) (2017)
Molecular, behavioral, and performance responses of juvenile largemouth bass acclimated to an elevated carbon dioxide environment.
CE Dennis III, S Adhikari, AW Wright & CD Suski (2016)
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Phenotypic variation in metabolism and morphology correlating with animal swimming activity in the wild: relevance for the OCLTT (oxygen- and capacity-limitation of thermal tolerance), allocation and performance models.
H Baktoft, L Jacobsen, C Skov, A Koed, N Jepsen, S Berg, M Boel, K Aarestrup & JC Svendsen (2016)
Conservation physiology
Effects of thermal increase on aerobic capacity and swim performance in a tropical inland fish.
LH McDonnell & LJ Chapman (2016)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Maximal oxygen consumption increases with temperature in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) through increased heart rate and arteriovenous extraction.
D Claësson, T Wang & H Malte (2016)
Conservation Physiology
Millifluidic Lab-on-a-Chip technology for automated toxicity testsusing the marine amphipod Allorchestes compressa.
R Cartlidge, D Nugegoda & D Wlodkowic (2016)
Sensors and Actuators B
Two-current choice flumes for testing avoidance and preference in aquatic animals.
F Jutfelt, J Sundin, GD Raby, A-S Krång, TD Clark (2016)
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) promotes endurance capacity via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ä-mediated mechanism in mice.1
Y Kim, D Kim & Y Park (2016)
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
Trophic transfer of silver nanoparticles from earthworms disrupts thelocomotion of springtails (Collembola).
JI Kwak & Y-J An (2016)
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Trade-offs between salinity preference and antipredator behaviour in the euryhaline sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna.
SM Tietze & GW Gerald (2016)
Journal of Fish Biology
Adapt, move or die – how will tropical coral reef fishes cope with ocean warming?
A Habary, JL Johansen, TJ Nay, JF Steffensen & JL Rummer (2016)
Global Change Biology
Hunting in Bioluminescent Light: Vision in the Nocturnal Box Jellyfish Copula sivickisi.
A Garm, J Bielecki, R Petie & D-E Nilsson (2016)
Frontiers in Physiology
Do individual Activity Patterns of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) alter the Exposure to Parasitic Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) Larvae?
N Wengström, F Wahlqvist, J Näslund, D Aldven, L Zavorka, ME Österling & J Höjesö (2016)
Effects of Lampricide on Olfaction and Behavior in Young-of-the-Year Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens).
K Sakamoto, WA Dew, SJ Hecnar & GG Pyle (2016)
Environmental Science & Technology
Patch-burn grazing increases habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity of small mammals in managed rangelands.
AM Ricketts & BK Sandercock (2016)
Inactive trout come out at night: behavioural variation, circadian activity and fitness in the wild.
L Závorka, D Aldvén, J Näslund, J Höjesjö & JI Johnsson (2016)
Gill remodelling and growth rate of striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus under impacts of hypoxia and temperature.
LM Phuong, DTT Huong, JR Nyengaard & M Bayley (2016)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Behavioral Thermoregulation and Trade-Offs in Juvenile Lobster Homarus americanus.
TV Nielsen & IJ McGaw (2016)
Biological Bulletin
Behavioral responses of juvenile Daphnia magna after exposure to Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Copper Complexes.
LR Hansen & P Roslev (2016)
Aquatic Toxicology
Assessing the incidental value of a marine reserve to a lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris nursery.
AC Henderson, A Jourdan & K Bell (2016)
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Habitat selection and reproduction of newts in networks of fish and fishless aquatic patches.
L Winandy, P Legrand & M Denoël (2016)
Animal Behaviour
Molecular and behavioral responses of early-life stage fishes to elevated carbon dioxide.
CE Dennis III, S Adhikari & CD Suski (2015)
Biological Invasions
First autonomous recording of in situ dissolved oxygen from free-ranging fish.
DM Coffey & KN Holland (2015)
Anim Biotelemetry
Intraspecific variation in aerobic and anaerobic locomotion: gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) do not exhibit a trade-off between maximum sustained swimming speed and minimum cost of transport.
JC Svendsen, B Tirsgaard, GA Cordero & JF Steffensen (2015)
Frontiers in Physiology
Enabling sub-lethal behavioral ecotoxicity biotests using microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip technology.
Y Huang, G Persoone, D Nugegoda & D Wlodkowic (2015)
Sensors and Actuators B
Integrated microfluidic technology for sub-lethal and behavioral marine ecotoxicity biotests.
Y Huang, CCR Aldasoro, G Persoone, D Wlodkowic (2015)
Proceedings of SPIE
Parental genetic diversity of brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) brood stock affectsoffspring susceptibility to whirling disease.
E Eszterbauer, B Forró, Z Tolnai, CF Guti, G Zsigmond, G Hoitsy & DM Kallert (2015)
Parasites & Vectors
Cerebellar Cortex and Cerebellar Nuclei Are Concomitantly Activated during Eyeblink Conditioning: A 7T fMRI Study in Humans.
M Thürling, F Kahl, S Maderwald, RM Stefanescu, M Schlamann, H-J Boele, CI De Zeeuw,J Diedrichsen, ME Ladd, SKE Koekkoek & D Timmann (2015)
Journal of Neuroscience
Physiological preparedness and performance of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in relation to behavioural salinity preferences and thresholds.
DS Stich, GB Zydlewski & JD Zydlewski (2015)
Journal of Fish Biology
Effects of Post-Weaning Administration of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Development of Obesity in Nescient Basic Helix-Loop-Helix 2 Knockout Mice.
Y Kim , D Kim , DJ Good & Y Park (2015)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
9–28 d of exposure to elevated pCO2 reduces avoidance of predator odour but had no effect on behavioural lateralization or swimming activity in a temperate wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris).
J Sundin & F Jutfelt (2015)
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Early-Life Social Isolation Impairs the Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Hormone Neuronal Activity and Serotonergic System in Male Rats.
T Soga, CH Teo, KL Cham, MM Idris & IS Parhar (2015)
Frontiers in Endocrinology
Adverse and long-term protective effects following oil-adjuvanted vaccination against Aeromonas salmonicida in rainbow trout.
KR Villumsen, EO Koppang, MK Raida (2015)
Fish & Shellfish Immunology
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) influences muscle metabolism via stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis signaling in adult-onset inactivity induced obese mice.
Y Kim, D. Kim, DJ Good & Y Park (2015)
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Does boldness explain vulnerability to angling in Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis?
A Vainikka, I Tammela & P Hyvärinen (2015)
Current Zoology
Behavioural thermoregulation in a temperature-sensitive coral reef fish, the five-lined cardinalfish (Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus).
TJ Nay, JL Johansen, A Habary, JF Steffensen & JL Rummer (2015)
Coral Reefs
Behavioural alterations from exposure to Cu, phenanthrene, and Cu-phenanthrene mixtures: linking behaviour to acute toxic mechanisms in the aquatic amphipod, Hyalella azteca.
PT Gauthier, WP Norwood, EE Prepas & GG Pyle (2015)
Aquatic Toxicology
A virtual reality paradigm for the study of visually mediated behaviour and cognition in spiders.
T Peckmezian & PW Taylor (2015)
Animal Behaviour
Overview of commercially available bioassays for assessing chemical toxicity in aqueous samples.
V Kokkali & W van Delft (2014)
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Habenular kisspeptin modulates fear in the zebrafish.
S Ogawa, FM Nathan & IS Parhar (2014)
Pen-mate directed behaviour in ad libitum fed pigs given different quantities and frequencies of straw.
C Amdi, HP Lahrmann, LC Oxholm, S-LA Schild, MBF Nielsen, HV Steinmetz, CF Hansen (2014)
Livestock Science
Calcium-dependent behavioural responses to acute copper exposure in Oncorhynchus mykiss.
S. B. Poulsen, J. C. Svendsen, K. Aarestrup, and H. Malte (2014)
Journal of Fish Biology
Growth trajectory influences temperature preference in fish through an effect on metabolic rate.
Shaun S. Killen (2014)
Journal of Animal Ecology
Use of conditioned place preference/avoidance tests to assess affective states in fish.
S. Millot, M. Cerqueira, M.F. Castanheira, Ø. Øverli, C. I.M. Martins, R. F. Oliveira (2014)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Tissue damage in organic rainbow trout muscle investigated by proteomic and bioinformatics.
T. Wulff, T. Silva and M. E. Nielsen (2013)
High-affinity olfactory receptor for the death-associated odor cadaverine.
A Hussain, LR Saraivaa, DM Ferrerob, G Ahujaa, V Krishnaa, SD Liberles & SI Korsching (2013)
Neuronal ROS Signaling Rather Than AMPK/Sirtuin-Mediated Energy Sensing Links Dietary Restriction to Lifespan Extension.
S. Schmeisser, S. Priebe, M. Groth, S. Monajembashi, P. Hemmerich, R. Guthke, M. Platzer & M. Ristow (2013)
Molecular Metabolism
Effect of intra-cisternal application of kainic acid on the spinal cord and locomotor activity in rats.
N. K. Mitra, T. E. W. Goh, T. B. Krishnan, V. D. Nadarajah, A. K Vasavaraj and T. Soga (2013)
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology
Atlantic cod actively avoid CO2 and predator odour, even after long-term CO2 exposure.
F. Jutfelt and M. Hedgärde (2013)
Frontiers in Zoology
Determining the thermal preferences of Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus) and Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) using an automated shuttlebox.
J.A. Stol, J.C. Svendsen, and E.C. Enders (2013)
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
The effect of domestication on a brown trout (Salmo trutta m fario) broodstock in Hungary.
Á. Horváth, G. Hoitsy, B. Kovács, D. K. Sipos, Á. Õsz, K. Bogataj and B. Urbányi (2013)
Aquaculture International
Mitochondrial Hormesis Links Low-Dose Arsenite Exposure to Lifespan Extension.
S. Schmeisser, K. Schmeisser, S. Weimer, M. Groth, S. Priebe, E. Fazius, D. Kuhlow, D. Pick, J. W. Einax, R. Guthke, M. Platzer, K. Zarse, M. Ristow (2013)
Aging Cell
The physiological and behavioural response of juvenile kingfish (Seriola lalandi) differs between escapable and inescapable progressive hypoxia.
D. G. Cook & N. A. Herbert (2012)
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Diet influences salinity preference of an estuarine fish, the Killifish Fundulus heteroclitus.
C. Buckling, C. M. Wood and M. Grosell. (2012)
Journal of Experimental Biology
Short-term retention rates of passive integrated transponders surgically-implanted in Burbot and the effects on survival.
E.I. Garduni & C.A. Myrick (2012)
North American Journal of Fisheries Management
The low O2 avoidance strategy of the Cape silverside Atherina breviceps (Teleostei).
N. A. Herbert, M. Goodman, A. Kunzmann. (2012)
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid enhances endurance capacity by increasing fatty acid oxidation and reducing glycogen utilization in mice.
J. H. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Park. (2012)
Dietary conjugated nonadecadienoic acid prevents adult-onset obesity in nescientbasic helix–loop–helix 2 knockout mice.
J.H. Kim, Y. Park, D. Kim, D.J. Good, Y. Park. (2012)
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
Dietary Influences on Nonexercise Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure in C57BL/6J Mice.
J. H. Kim, Y. Park, D. Kim and Y. Park (2012)
Journal of Food Science
Previous bacterial-infection affects textural quality parameters of heat-treated fillets from rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss)
H.C. Ingerslev, G. Hyldig, D. Przybylska, S. Frosch and M. E. Nielsen (2012)
Journal of Food Quality
Caffeine neuroprotects against dexamethasone-induced anxiety-like behaviour in the zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Y.M. Khor, T. Soga, I.S. Parhar. (2012)
General and Comparative Endocrinology
Preventative effects of conjugated linoleic acid on obesity by improved physical activity in nescient basic helix-loop-helix 2 knockout mice during growth period.
J. H. Kim, D. Gilliard, D. J. Good, Y. Park. (2012)
Food and Function
Natural selection, plasticity and the emergence of a behavioural syndrome in the wild.
B. Adriaenssens. J.I. Johnsson. (2012)
Ecology Letters
Opposite Patterns of Diurnal Activity in the Box Jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora and Copula sivickisi
A. Garm, J. Bielecki, R. Petie and D.-E. Nilsson (2012)
Biological Bulletin
The hypoxia avoidance behaviour of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) depends on the provision and pressure level of an O2 refuge.
N. A. Herbert, J. E. Skjæraasen, T. Nilsen, A.G. V. Salvanes & J.F. Steffensen (2011)
Marine Biology
Improved udder access prolongs duration of milk letdown and increases piglet weight gain.
M. L. Pedersen, V. A. Moustsen, M. B. F. Nielsen and A. R. Kristensen (2011)
Livestock Science
Behaviour of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss presented with a choice of normoxia and stepwise progressive hypoxia.
S. B. Poulsen, L. F. Jensen, K. S. Nielsen, H. Malte,K. Aarestrup and J. C. Svendsen (2011)
Journal of Fish Biology
Salinity selection and preference of the grey snapper Lutjanus griseus: field and laboratory observations.
X. Serrano, M. Grosell and J. E. Serafy (2010)
Journal of Fish Biology
The effects of swimming pattern on the energy use of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.)
M. F. Steinhausen, J. F. Steffensen and N. G. Andersen (2010)
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
Pectoral fin beat frequency predicts oxygen consumption during spontaneous activity in a labriform swimming fish ( Embiotoca lateralis ).
C. Tudorache, A. D. Jordan, J. C. Svendsen, P. Domenici, G. DeBoeck and J. F. Steffensen (2009)
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Effects of dietary restriction on mortality and age-related phenotypes in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri.
E. Terzibasi, C. Lefrançois, P. Domenici, N. Hartmann, M. Graf & A. Cellerino (2009)
Aging Cell
Hypoxic avoidance behaviour in cod (Gadus morhua L.): The effect of temperature and haemoglobin genotype.
J. E. Skjæraasen, T. Nilsen, J. J. Meager, N. A. Herbert, O. Moberg, V. Tronci, T. Johansen and A. G. V. Salvanes (2008)
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Poor retention of passive induced transponder (PIT) tags for mark-recapture studies on tropical sea cucumbers.
S. W. Purcell, N. S. Agudo and H. Gossuin (2008)
SPC Beche de Mer Information Bulletin
Behavioural phenotype affects social interactions in an animal network.
T. W. Pike, M. Samanta, J. Lindström, N. J. Royle (2008)
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Can pikeperch colonise new freshwater systems via estuaries? Evidence from behavioural salinity tests.
D. M. Scott, J. Rabineau, R. W. Wilson, D. J. Hodgson and J. A. Brown (2008)
Marine and Freshwater Research
Use of an annular chamber for testing thermal preference of westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout.
T. E. McMahon, E. A. Bear, and A. V. Zale (2008)
Journal of Freshwater Ecology
The responses of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) to ultrasound-emitting predators: stress, behavioural changes or debilitation?.
H. B. Schack, H. Malte, P. T. Madsen (2008)
Journal of Experimental Biology
The effect of hypoxia on behavioral and physiological aspects of lesser sandell, Ammodytes tobianus.
J. W. Behrens and J. F. Steffensen (2007)
Marine Biology
Can sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus or topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva disperse through saline waters?
D. M. Scott, R. W. Wilson and J. A. Brown (2007)
Journal of Fish Biology
Effect of turbidity on habitat preference of juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.
J. J. Meager & A. C. Utne-Palm (2007)
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Use of a Novel Acoustic Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter for Fish Telemetry.
J. C. Svendsen, K. Aarestrup, J. F. Steffensen & J. Herskin (2006)
Marine Technology Society Journal
Oxygen content and the behaviour of juvenile rainbow trout.
J. C. Svendsen, K.S. Nielsen, K. Aarestrup and A. Koed (2005)
6th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe. Poster no. 54.