
Tue, Jun 25 2019

MO2 near Ucrit in rainbow trout

Yangfan Zhang and his collaborators from University of British Columbia, Canada, used a 10 L Loligo® swim tunnel to assess the dynamic nature of ṀO2active near Ucrit in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The researchers used various sampling windows and introduced an iterative algorithm which generated a 23 % higher peak ṀO2active compared to conventional ṀOsampling rates and interval regression analysis of ṀO2active.
In the current version of 
AutoResp, calculating ṀO2active near Ucrit is also possible by enabling the mode “Closed respirometry” during this critical phase. This mode enables you to get MO2 values on-the-fly for any time interval you prefer!

Full article:

Finding the peak of dynamic oxygen uptake during fatiguing exercise in fish
Yangfan Zhang, Matthew J. H. Gilbert, Anthony P. Farrell (2019)
Journal of Experimental Biology

Link to article

Tue, May 07 2019

Stickleback thermal preferences

Post doc Natalie Pilakouta from University of Glasgow, and her collaborators (Holar College), used the shuttle box system and ShuttleSoft to look at thermal preferences in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). The researchers find that fish from both warm (from freshwater warmed by geothermal activity) and cold (from ambient-temperature lakes) habitats had an average preferred temperature of 13 °C, which is considerably lower than the temperatures experienced by fish in warm habitats for most of the year. The results therefore claim to challenge the assumption that temperature preferences in ectotherms will readily evolve as a response to climate change.

Full article:

Temperature preference does not evolve in sticklebacks despite multigenerational exposure to elevated temperatures
Natalie Pilakouta, Shaun S. Killen, Bjarni K. Kristjánsson, Skúli Skúlason, Jan Lindström, Neil B. Metcalfe and Kevin J. Parsons (2019)

Link to article

Wed, Apr 17 2019

Oxygen consumption in Daphnia magna

Prof. Mikko Nikinmaa from University of Turku, Finland, and his collaborators, used the microplate respirometer to analyze whether exposure to water-soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil can be associated with changes in interindividual variability in phenotype in Daphnia magna. The 80 µl well microplate allowed the researchers to measure whole animal oxygen consumption rate and found that the variability of oxygen consumption rate decreased in 48 h 30 % WSF-exposed animals as compared to 10 % WSF-exposed or control animals. Furthermore, they observed that the oxygen consumption rates in F1 and F2 generations of unexposed and 10 % WSF-exposed Daphnia had decreased from parental F0 generation and were also lower than in offspring of 30 % WSF-exposed specimens.

Full article:

Water-soluble fraction of crude oil affects variability and has transgenerational effects in Daphnia magna
Mikko Nikinmaa, Emilie Suominen and Katja Anttila (2019)
Aquatic Toxicology

Link to article

Wed, Apr 10 2019

We are on Twitter

Loligo Systems is now on Twitter:

We would like to tweet or retweet any news you might have about job offerings, new meetings, symposia, papers, grants, courses etc. - so please follow us.

Thanks a lot,

The Loligo Team

Tue, Apr 02 2019

Metabolic rate in Daphnia magna

Prof. Sigurd Einum from NTNU, Norway, and his collaborators, used our high-throughput microplate respirometry system to analyze the genetic variation in metabolic rate and correlations with other energy budget components and life history in Daphnia magna. Specifically, the microplate respirometry system allowed the team to examine 20 individual Daphnia (and four control wells with no animals) per plate totaling 288 individuals analyzed by measuring the oxygen concentration in each microplate well every 3 min. for 120-150 min. The results show that metabolic rate is positively correlated with body size, and suggest that genetic variance in food consumption is the single most influential trait shaping somatic growth rate, but that additional variance in growth can be explained by considering the joint effect of consumption and metabolic rate.

Full article:

Genetic Variation in Metabolic Rate and Correlations with Other Energy Budget Components and Life History in Daphnia magna
Sigurd Einum, Erlend I. F. Fossen, Victor Parry and Christophe Pélabon (2019)
Evolutionary Biology

Link to article

Mon, Mar 04 2019

Did you find our FAQ section?

We are continuously updating our FAQ section, and have recently added several new Q&As like these:

  • Setting up devices in the software AutoResp 2.3.0
  • Instructions on what to do if you get a certain pop-up message in AutoResp 2.3.0

We hope that you will find the FAQ section useful.

Fri, Feb 08 2019

Call for manuscripts / Fish Metabolic Physiology in Response to Stress

A new special issue in the journal /Biology/, is edited by Dr. Edward M. Mager and Dr. Ione Hunt von Herbing.

Special Issue Title: Fish Metabolic Physiology in Response to Stress


Deadline: 1 September 2019

Please consider sending your manuscript now or up until the deadline as they will be published on an ongoing basis and we will arrange for a fast peer review process. Submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We also encourage authors to send a short abstract and tentative title to the Editorial Office in advance ( An 650 CHF (Swiss Francs) publication fee applies for each accepted paper. For papers submitted after 30 June 2019 an APC of 1000 CHF applies. If your funds are limited, you may apply discount or waiver. The numbers of discount and waiver are limited. If you need this, please apply it as soon as possible.

The instructions to prepare and submit the paper can be accessed at the link:

/Biology/ is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal of Biological Science. /Biology/ is indexed by PubMed (NLM), Zoological Record (Thomson Reuters), Scopus (Elsevier), etc (

Tue, Jan 29 2019

List of Published papers… UPDATES

We try to add all new peer-reviewed papers, referring to the use of Loligo® equipment, to this list. Last year alone, some 71 papers across 51 journals were added to this growing list and this PowerBI report.

The Published papers list has keywords to help you quickly browse through a large selection of research articles that has been using our products. Our hope is to provide references as well as inspiration for new users or upcoming projects as many of the articles contain useful data, detailed protocol descriptions as well as methodological procedures.

We are always happy to hear about new published papers.

Thu, Dec 13 2018

SICB 2019

Loligo® Systems welcomes everyone to join us at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB). The event will take place at the Tampa Bay Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, on January 3rd to January 7th. We will man booth #208. Feel free to join us for a talk, product showcasing or just to say hello.

SICB 2019 is an educational and research forum for investigations of biology on a broad comparative scale. The meeting will feature many exhibitors, symposia and special programs in addition to hundreds of contributed papers in divisional and topical sessions.

Read more about SICB 2019.