
A step by step guide on how to set up and use the system
This quick guide shows you how to setup and use the CentriTower.
Version: 1.0

Shuttle box system - Temperature
A step by step guide on how to set up the system
This quick guide shows you how to set up the Shuttle box system for temperature regulation.
Version: 1.0

Shuttle box system - Oxygen
A step by step guide on how to set up the system
This quick guide shows you how to set up the Shuttle box system for oxygen regulation.
Version: 1.0

Shuttle box system - Salinity
A step by step guide on how to set up the system
This quick guide shows you how to set up the Shuttle box system for salinity regulation.
Version: 1.0

Shuttle box system - pH/pCO2
A step by step guide on how to set up the system
This quick guide shows you how to set up the Shuttle box system for pH/CO2 regulation.
Version: 1.0

ShuttleSoft 3
A step by step guide on how to set up and use the software
This quick guide shows you how to install, configure, and use the ShuttleSoft 3 software for video tracking in shuttle box systems.
Version: 1.2

LoliTrack v5
A step by step guide on how to set up and use the software
This quick guide shows you how to install, configure, and use the LoliTrack v5 software for video tracking and behavior analysis.
Version: 1.5

LoliTrack 4
A user manual on how to set up and use the software
This user manual shows you how to install, configure, and use the LoliTrack 4 software for video tracking and behavior analysis.
Version: 4.2.1

Choice tank
A user manual on how to set up and use the tank
This user manual shows you how to set up and use the choice tank for testing aquatic animal behaviour in a stable horizontal gradient, i.e., temperature, oxygen, pollutants etc.
Version: 1.0.0

APR500 PIT Reader
A troubleshooting guide on battery charging problems
This guide shows you what to do if your APR500 reader does not charge the batteries when connected via USB.
Version: 1.0.0

APR500 PIT Reader
A user manual on how to use the reader
This user manual shows you how to set up, configure, and use the APR500 PIT reader.
Version: 4.0.0

APR250 PIT Reader
A user manual on how to use the reader
This user manual shows you how to set up, configure, and use the APR250 PIT reader.
Version: 13/02/20

A user manual on how to set up and use the software
This user manual shows you how to install, configure, and use the third-party AgriLink software for use with the APR250 PIT reader.
Version: 1.2.3

ShuttleSoft 1 and 2
A step by step guide on how to set up and use the software
This user manual shows you how to install, configure, and use the ShuttleSoft 1 and 2 software for video tracking in shuttle box systems.
Version: 1.0