Core swimming respirometry system


Swimming Respirometry Core 170 1500 SWIM TUNNEL SETUP NEW
Swimming Respirometry Core


  • Swimming respirometry system for aquatic organisms
  • Forced exercise in swimming animals
  • Fully automated computerized intermittent flow respirometry
  • State-of-the-art AutoResp™ 3 software for Windows 11 included
  • In-depth analysis, statistics, and data export
  • Build multi-channel setups for high throughput experiments (up to 10 swim tunnels!)
  • Many different swim tunnel sizes and volumes to match your swim tunnel organism
  • Specialized swim tunnels for filming or with built-in treadmill
  • Made for use in freshwater and full-strength seawater
  • Real-time oxygen consumption rate measurements and analysis


Use our swimming respirometry systems for forced exercise protocols and for measuring oxygen consumption rates in aquatic organisms while swimming. Applications include maximum metabolic rate (MMR), aerobic scope (AS), cost of transport (COT), Ucrit, but also physiology, behavior, bioenergetics, biomechanics and kinematic studies in fish and invertebrates of many sizes. The core swimming respirometry system includes user-friendly AutoResp™ 3 software for Windows, a swim tunnel, and everything needed for fully automated oxygen consumption rate measurements, device control, and data analysis. In other words, true computerized intermittent flow respirometry.

Multi-channel = High throughput

Once you have a CORE system, you can expand the number of channels/swim tunnels with our ADD-ON system to work with up to 10 swim tunnels at a time – all operated from a single PC.

All the tools in one place

The foundation of our swimming respirometry systems is our state-of-the-art software solution, AutoResp™ 3. AutoResp™ 3 lets you jump-start aquatic intermittent respirometry and automates your swim tunnel experiments including real-time data acquisition, sensor calibration, hardware control, water velocity control, water quality regulation as well as data post-analysis, statistics, and export. Visit the AutoResp™ 3 site for more information.

Swimming respirometry in small organisms

Our smallest swim tunnels are the 170 and 1500 mL models. These swim tunnels are of the “blazka type”, and are typically used for individual swimming respirometry/performance of small fish like adult zebrafish, killifish, medaka, sticklebacks, etc.

The test section of the swim tunnel is located inside an inner glass tube surrounded by an outer glass tube. A stopper can be removed for quickly adding/removing fish. The swim chamber sits in a water bath for temperature control and water quality regulation.

The swim tunnel is fitted with an external electric motor controlled by a motor control box. The motor control box connects to the DAQ-BT instrument, which connects wirelessly to AutoResp™ 3 via Bluetooth. This allows for automated software driven control of water velocity (e.g., via protocols) while not disturbing the animal during the trials.

A submersible water pump is included with the system. The pump is placed inside the water bath and connected to the flush inlet of the swim chamber. A flush outlet makes sure that the water inside the swim chamber can be replenished throughout a swim trial. The submersible flush pump connects to our PowerX4 4-fold power strip for software-driven ON/OFF control and monitoring of equipment via cabled LAN/Ethernet or wireless Bluetooth. This allows for independent pump control via AutoResp™ 3.

An included oxygen dipping probe can be fitted into the test section for non-invasive optical oxygen measurements. The Witrox, our high precision oxygen instrument for wireless Bluetooth communication, then uses the fiber optic cable to collect oxygen data from inside the swim chamber. A high precision PT1000 temperature is placed in the water bath for real-time temperature compensation of oxygen data with unbeaten accuracy.

A complete flow tracking system (DPTV) is included for easy and automated water velocity calibration against motor RPM. When you have performed the calibration in DPTV 2 software, simply load the exported calibration file into AutoResp™ 3 and you are good to go.

The Witrox, DAQ-BT, and PowerX4 connect to AutoResp™ 3 on your PC via Bluetooth (or LAN), and so you can keep your PC in a separate room away from any water hazards while collecting data for in-depth analysis directly in AutoResp™ 3.

Swimming respirometry in large organisms

Our large swim tunnel models range in size from 5-850 L. These swim tunnels are made mostly from acrylics, and are typically used for determining swimming performance (Ucrit) and measurements of maximum metabolic rate in individual fish with wet weights from 20 g and up to 15 kg, or even for shoals/schools/groups of smaller fish.

The test section of the swim tunnel is located towards the side of the water bath. This allows for an unobstructed view of the animal – ideal for filming or visualizing flow. A removable lid is screw unto the test section for access/removal of the animal. For quick access to test organisms, e.g., for schools of zebrafish, consider our quick removal lid.

The swim chamber is mounted inside a water bath for temperature control and water quality regulation. The entire swim chamber can be removed for cleaning and maintenance.

The swim tunnel is fitted with a powerful external motor controlled by a variable frequency drive, i.e., motor control box. This motor control box connects to the DAQ-BT instrument that connects wirelessly to AutoResp™ 3 via Bluetooth. This enables you to automatically control water velocities (e.g., via protocols) while avoiding disturbing the animal during the trials.

A submersible water pump is included with the system. The pump is placed inside the water bath and connected to the flush inlet of the swim chamber. A flush outlet makes sure that the water inside the swim chamber can be replenish throughout a swim trial. The submersible flush pump connects to our PowerX4 allowing for automated and protocol-driven control of the pump via AutoResp™ 3.

An included oxygen dipping probe can be fitted into the swim chamber for non-invasive optical oxygen measurements. The Witrox, our high precision oxygen instrument for wireless Bluetooth communication, then uses the fiber optic cable to collect oxygen data from inside the swim chamber. A high precision PT1000 temperature is placed in the water bath for real-time temperature compensation of oxygen data with unbeaten accuracy.

A high precision vane wheel flow probe and meter is included with the system for easy water velocity calibration directly inside AutoResp™ 3. The oxygen sensors are also calibrated using the software.

The Witrox, DAQ-BT, and PowerX4 connect to AutoResp™ 3 on your PC via Bluetooth (or LAN), and so you can keep your PC in a separate room away from any water hazards while collecting data for in-depth analysis directly in AutoResp™ 3.

Swim tunnel with a treadmill

Our treadmill swim tunnel is a specialized 28 L swim tunnel for walking fish or invertebrates with a built-in, motorized, and transparent belt as floor of the test section. The speed of the belt can be controlled independently of the water velocity making this model ideal for physiology, behavior, bioenergetics, biomechanics, or kinematic measurements on walking fish/inverts.

Swim tunnel for filming

Our 360O swim tunnel is a specialized 51 and 130 L swim tunnel for 3D imaging of swimming animals with an expanded dry mid-section for installation of cameras and other optical equipment. The transparent top, floor, and side walls of the test section allows you to film swimming animals or visualize flow from all four angles, i.e., from above, beneath, and both sides.

Need help?

If you need help to set up your swim tunnel system, get started with the AutoResp™ 3 software, or if you need inspiration for your next experiment, have a look in large resource base of quick guides and user manuals, our YouTube channel for useful video tutorials, and our ever-expanding list of peer-review published papers using our swim tunnels.


This is product data for the selected system:


These products are included in the system:


AutoResp™ v3 Software for Automated Intermittent Respirometry
Autoresp 3 2023

AutoResp™ 3 is user-friendly Windows 11 software to be used with our automated intermittent resting respirometry systems allowing users to jump-start oxygen consumption measurements in aquatic organisms. Our computerized multi channel systems with fiber optic oxygen sensing technology offer unbeaten efficiency, accuracy, and time resolution of aquatic respiration data.


Long range Bluetooth dongle

This Class 1 Bluetooth 4.0 dongle for USB and external antennae doubles the wireless range of your (Class 2) PC system.

Swim tunnels

Swim tunnel (170mL/230V/50Hz)


  • Glass materials for minimum O2 uptake/release
  • Anti-corrosive materials for minimum maintenance
  • Tool free assembly for easy cleaning and servicing
  • Optional replacement glass tubes for shorter/longer working section
  • Strong brushless DC motor for high speeds and long life-time
  • Control box for manual or automated speed control
  • Re-usable strong cardboard crate for transportation
  • Ports and fittings for various oxygen sensors
  • Water bath and external motor for exact temperature control


Loligo® swim tunnels have been developed for measuring the physiology, energetics, behavior, biomechanics and kinematics of swimming fish, through years of research and laboratory use. Applications also include studies of fluids, visualization of flow around objects, hydraulics, and public display of aquatic wildlife. The unique and compact design allows enough space for "free" swimming and an adequate volume for reliable oxygen consumption measurements.


Witrox 1 oxygen meter for mini sensors (1xO₂/1xtemp)


  • Real-time compensation for temperature, salinity and barometric pressure
  • Measure oxygen in: % air saturation, % oxygen saturation, kPa, Torr, mg/L, mmol or ml/L.
  • Unbeaten precision and stability with mini optodes
  • Measure oxygen in both liquid and gas phase
  • No oxygen consumption by sensor
  • Immune to electrical and magnetic interference
  • Oxygen sensing based on luminescence lifetime detection
  • Wide variety of mini sensors available
  • Excellent long-term stability
  • Multiple instruments systems - use up to 7 instruments with a single PC 
  • Minimum footprint


Witrox 1 is a single-channel oxygen instrument for use with fiber optic mini sensors (optodes). It has a build-in Bluetooth transmitter for wireless PC communication, and includes a high accuracy temperature sensor and software for unbeaten compensation of oxygen data to changes in temperature, salinity or barometric pressure in real-time.

We developed Witrox 1 for the most challenging environments and applications. The wireless Bluetooth 2.0 communication allows you to keep that vulnerable PC/Notebook at a distance avoiding hazards like water or blood. Also problems associated with USB and serial communication are avoided, and the rugged compact design offers excellent protection and take up minimum bench space. 
The instrument comes with easy-to-use software for Windows, and a 4-wire Pt1000 temperature sensor (Class B 1/3 DIN) with +/- 0.15 °C accuracy for 5-digits real-time compensation of oxygen data.

A PC computer with Bluetooth 2.0 or higher (build-in or dongle) is required for operation.


How does it work?

The instrument LEDs emit blue-green light that excites the oxygen mini sensor (optode) to emit fluorescence. If the oxygen sensitive dye encounters an oxygen molecule, the excess energy is transferred to the oxygen molecule in a non-radiative transfer, decreasing or quenching the fluorescence signal. The degree of quenching correlates to the partial pressure of oxygen inside the dye matrix, which is in dynamic equilibrium with oxygen in the sample. The decay time measurement is internally referenced.

For more details, and a diagram on this measurement principle, go to our FAQ.


Software for Witrox 1

WitroxView 2 is a free data monitoring and logging software for use with our Witrox 1 and 4 oxygen instruments. The latest version can be downloaded here.


Included with the Witrox 1

PowerX4 (LAN/Bluetooth power strip-230V/50Hz)
Powerx4 ISO (1)

Use this industrial grade 4-fold power strip for software-driven control and monitoring of equipment via LAN/Ethernet or Bluetooth.

Connect pumps, solenoid valves, or stirrers to one of four independent electrical sockets switching at zero current (ZCS), e.g., for automated respirometry, water quality regulation, shuttle box experiments etc.

Electrical parameters like input voltage and power consumption (in Amps) for each relay, can be monitored and logged in Loligo® software for diagnostics of connected appliances.


Dipping probe oxygen mini sensor (200mm length)
Dipping Probe


  • Easy to handle
  • Usable for process application
  • Limit of detection: 0.15 % air-saturation, 15 ppb dissolved oxygen
  • Measuring range: 0 - 100 % oxygen, 0 - 45 mg/L
  • Very robust sensor with excellent long-term stability
  • Sterilizable by H2O2, ethanol, gamma irradiation, EtO2
  • No self-consumption of oxygen
  • Signal independent on flow velocity
  • Insensible towards electrical interference and magnetic fields
  • Dry gases applicable
  • Robust sensor body


This dipping probe oxygen mini sensor, consists of a polymer optical fiber (POF) with a polished distal tip which is coated with a planar oxygen-sensitive foil. The end of the polymer optical fiber is covered with a high-grade steel tube, to protect both the sensor material and the POF. The cable has an outer diameter of 2.8 mm. The inner diameter of the POF is 2.0 mm. The steel tube has an outer diameter of 4 mm. Usually, the fiber is coated with an optical isolated sensor material in order to exclude ambient light from the fiber tip and to increase chemical resistance especially against oily samples as well as to reduce bio-fouling on the sensor membrane. This type of oxygen sensor has an excellent long-term stability.



The DAQ-BT instrument is used for wireless data acquisition and automated control of Loligo® swim tunnels in combination with AutoResp™ software. The wireless Bluetooth 2.1 communication means that the PC can be placed at a distance from the swim tunnel without data cables that can pick up noise in a lab environment.

Apart from the inputs and outputs needed for controlling the swim tunnel motor (RPM) and acquiring data from it, the DAQ-BT instrument has extra channels for analog data acquisition and TLL control of other devices.

Temperature control set (230V/50Hz)


  • Regulate temperature levels in water tanks
  • Sturdy and submersible water pump
  • Heating coil for effective temperature regulation


This accessory set is used for regulation of water temperature. The sturdy submersible Eheim pump can be switched on/off using our PowerX4 Bluetooth/ethernet power strip. When activated, the Eheim pump forces water through the tubing and stainless-steel coil. Immerse the coil in chilled or heated water to change ambient water temperature.


Flow tracking kit

The kit includes everything needed for manual or automated flow calibrations in our two smallest swim tunnels when used with the AutoResp™ v3 or AutoSwim v2 software.


These products are optional for the selected system:


Swimming Respirometry Add On
From 15,704.00 (EUR)
Add-on swimming respirometry system



Powerx4 ISO (1)

(LAN/Bluetooth power strip-230V/50Hz)


Gas control set


Temperature control set



HOSE ELBOW 3 4.633
Hose barbed elbow

(3.14 / 4.8 mm tube)


These files can help you with the selected system:


AutoResp™ v3
A quick guide for AutoResp™ v3

Swim Tunnels

Mini swim tunnel
A step by step guide on how to set up a 170 and 1500 ml swim tunnel
Mini swim tunnel
An illustration on how to set up a 170 and 1500 ml swim tunnel
Swim tunnels
A user manual for our swim tunnels
Swim tunnels
A data sheet for the 5-850 L swim tunnels
A step by step guide on how to set up and use the software
Digital particle tracking velocimetry software

Water Quality

WitroxView 2 - FREE
A step by step guide on how to set up and use the software